Granite State Manufacturing

NCC Boot Camp Grads: Ready for Jobs in the SIB

NCC Precision Mfg Boot Camp Graduates

Congratulations to the recent graduates of the Nashua Community College (NCC) Precision Manufacturing Boot Camp!

This intensive 10-week program, funded by the U.S. Navy and designed in partnership with SENEDIA (the Alliance for Defense Tech, Talent, and Innovation), has equipped these inspiring individuals with advanced skills for thriving careers in the vital precision manufacturing sector supporting the submarine industrial base.

On Friday, March 29, 2024, representatives from NCC, SENEDIA, and MY-TURN, Inc. came together to celebrate the graduates’ remarkable achievements at a special #NHSigningDay event. It was one of those rare days that exceeded all expectations in the best way possible.

This free, US Navy-funded Precision Manufacturing Boot Camp is an exceptional workforce development program run through NCC’s Workforce Solutions Department. The comprehensive curriculum covers everything from basics of manual machining to mastering software like Mastercam, SolidWorks, and G & M coding for CNC programming. Students undergo rigorous training in CNC mill and lathe setup, operation, and programming.

For 10 intensive weeks, the graduates dedicated themselves fully, rearranging their daily lives to accommodate 8 hours per day of hands-on learning and skills development. They emerged transformed, armed with the highly sought-after expertise to forge careers at leading manufacturing companies supporting national defense interests like submarine production.

More than just technical training, the boot camp embodies the ethos that “the work we do matters.” Just as GSM-manufactured parts help sailors to Breathe, Listen, and Communicate undersea, this program gave participants a rare chance to pause, breathe, and listen to their inner voices about goals and learn to communicate their value to future employers.

The graduates, from diverse backgrounds, boldly choose to pursue precision manufacturing. Their dedication and passion have prepared them to become skilled machinists supporting companies committed to our national security, like GSM.

Program leaders thanked the boot camp’s many supporters, including the leadership of NCC, the Community College System of New Hampshire, New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation, and all those involved organizations and individuals who made #NHSigningDay such a resounding success.

This Precision Manufacturing Boot Camp exemplifies the power of industry-academia partnerships in developing a talented workforce ready to tackle modern manufacturing challenges, especially supporting the crucial submarine industrial base. As the graduates launch their new careers, there is great anticipation for where their journeys will lead in strengthening America’s defense capabilities through their skills.

To sign up for the next class, click here.